While This List Is Extensive, It Is Not Exhaustive.
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A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. This can affect the mother’s ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as c-sections.

The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively.


Low back pain is common enough in pregnancy that saying that 50 percent of all pregnant women experience it is considered a modest estimate. However, we should never mistake a pain that is common for a pain that belongs. The truth is that back pain is a sign that something is off balance during pregnancy. There are many reasons why pain and inflammation can radiate from the lower back. During pregnancy, it’s not necessary to wait until pain shows up in the lower back to begin chiropractic treatments. Many women find that continual chiropractic care helps them to adjust before pain and injury can occur. What’s more, learning proper posture techniques to accommodate a changing body can create flexibility and bodily awareness that prevent injury.


Most women who receive chiropractic care for SPD, either after or before giving birth will experience pain relief, especially if the cause of the pain is pelvic misalignment. Chiropractic for pelvic pain aims to address the main cause of the complications rather than merely addressing the symptoms. According to chiropractic specialists, it is recommended that women with mild SPD get early treatment to prevent the condition from becoming worse later or causing problems during childbirth.


Seeing a lot of pregnant patients, we often work with women who have round ligament pain. The round ligaments of the uterus are unique for two reasons. Since they are attached to the uterus, only women have them, and they are one of the very few ligaments that contain muscle fibers.


Being pregnant is tough, and childbirth is even tougher. Postpartum life isn’t any easier. That’s why seeing a chiropractor during and after pregnancy is critical. The body needs time and a bit of training if it’s to get back to its regular condition quickly. And that’s where quality Cumming postpartum chiropractic care enters into the equation.

The postpartum healing process involves a number of different parts trying to resume their normal functioning. The spinal column needs attention, and so does the rest of the central nervous system.


Geriatric chiropractic care is a branch of chiropractic care that focuses specifically on the well-being of seniors. It considers the unique needs and considerations of older adults, tailoring treatment plans to address age-related musculoskeletal issues while promoting overall health.


A chiropractic treatment for a child begins with an extensive examination to determine the exact issue and the best route for treatment. Even if your child is too young to communicate, or too shy, a chiropractor has the skills to work with them to find out exactly what is going on before proceeding with treatment, if it is determined treatment is needed. Gentle and non-invasive adjustments are then made to the spine. Children will often become relaxed and even fall asleep following treatment, a good sign that it has been effective. If you are concerned about your child's spinal health, call our team to set up a consultation today.